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From science to the real world

- Venue: Zoom video conference platform
- Start: Fri, 22 Jan 2021 09:30:00 GMT
- End: Fri, 22 Jan 2021 11:00:00 GMT
From science to the real world: how can we improve physical activity practices locally and nationally?
Adrian Bauman, Emeritus Professor, The University of Sydney
Professor Bauman is a world-leading public health researcher who has for over 30 years studied chronic disease prevention and the development and assessment of prevention research methods. He is a committed advocate for research translation into practice to achieve population-wide impact and health equity. His research has demonstrated the need for cross-sectoral involvement from areas outside of health in physical activity promotion programs, including diverse sectors such as sport, transport and urban planning to achieve better outcomes. Professor Bauman also builds innovative research-policy linkages and conducts policy-relevant research.
In this workshop, we will explore the 10 guiding principles, developed by our regional FusePAW network to support transferable knowledge exchange activities and help implementation of national Physical Activity policy in local contexts.
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Presentation - Professor Adrian Bauman
Presentation - Ben Rigby and Peter van der Graaf
Research brief:
10 principles to translate national physical activity policy into local practice
09.30-09.35 - Introduction and housekeeping by Fuse Deputy Director, Professor Carolyn Summerbell, Durham University.
09:35-10.00 – From science to the real world: how can we improve physical activity practices locally and nationally. Professor Adrian Bauman, Emeritus Professor, The University of Sydney.
10:00-10:10 – Translating national physical activity policy in local practice: 10 guiding principles, developed by our regional FusePAW network. Ben Rigby (PhD student, Durham University) and Dr Peter Van Der Graaf (NIHR Knowledge Mobilisation Research (KMR) Fellow, Teesside University).
10:10-10:25 – Q and A.
10:25-10:30 – Break.
10:30-11:00 – Informal coffee social and discussion.